Keeping your children safe is our priority
At North Walkden we take Safeguarding, Child Protection and children’s health very seriously. It is our duty of care to make sure that any concerns we have about the wellbeing of a child are investigated or that any medical needs a child has are met.
Sometimes this means that difficult and uncomfortable discussions with parents or carers are needed but as with everything at North Walkden, children come first. We will endeavour to work closely with families and provide support as appropriate.
If there are concerns about a child, school may need to consult with Children’s Services for advice and where this is the case we will normally inform parents of this. In some serious circumstances concerns may be reported to Children’s Services first.
North Walkden has strict policies and procedures in place to safeguard children. All staff have had training in Child Protection. Some have undertaken further specific training. All of our policies are available to view on our website.
At North Walkden our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Warburton (Head Teacher).
The Safeguarding Deputies are Mrs Blemmings (Children & Families Worker), Mrs Richardson (Deputy Head Teacher) and Mrs Cosgrave (SENDCo).
If you are concerned about a child please come into school and speak with any of us in confidence.
‘Safeguarding and Child Protection is everybody’s responsibility’
If you are worried about a child Salford’s The Bridge Partnership can be contacted by telephone on
0161 603 4500 from 8.30am – 4.30pm