Year Three 2024 - 2025

Mrs Conaghan

Welcome to Year 3's Class Page



Class Teacher - Mrs Conaghan

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Seddon



Each year, we teachers start out so hopeful and excited to begin the new journey with your child. We come in with hopes and dreams of what the year will be like - and all of those visions include good things for your child. Whilst we are willing to put in the effort, the hours, the creativity, the enthusiasm - having your support results in your child's overall success! 



A very big welcome to Year 3's class page!

Our class page is a fantastic way to share our learning experiences with you and celebrate our achievements along the way. Please ensure you take a look at this half term's newsletter, where you can find out about: specific subject content, important diary dates for this half term and general classroom reminders. 


We hope you had a lovely, restful Summer break. We are looking forward to lots of hard work and fun this year! 


Reading Books 

Please make sure children have their reading books and reading journals in school every day and encourage your child to read at home - remember we ask this to be done 6 nights per week. The progression of reading is imperative for your child as they begin their journey into Key Stage 2, and this is something that I will make a huge focus is class. Please note that during school hours, we do lots of reading, from reading for pleasure to specific lessons to teach reading skills, but this is only the tip of the iceberg - reading at home is the time that children get to apply their newly learnt skills and where the progress is made. Once children finished each book, they will have the opportunity to recieve a new reading book during the school day. Please ensure children have their reading book in school every day!



PE kits must be worn on the day of the PE lesson. This year our PE day is a Tuesday. 


Year 3 - Units

Term History / Geography
Autumn 1          Stone Age to Iron Age  
Autumn 2 TBC
Spring 1 Romans
Spring 2  Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Summer 1 Early Civilisations
Summer 2 Brazil


Year 3 Science

Term Science
Autumn 1      Movement and Nutrition
Autumn 2 Forces and Magnets
Spring 1  Rocks and Soils
Spring 2   Science Week
Summer 1 Light and Shadow
Summer 2 Plant Reproduction


General Reminders

PE – Please make sure your child wears their PE kit on the day of their lesson. Please ensure that school PE kit is worn and NOT own sports clothes

Homework – Homework will be given to take home every Friday. It is important that you encourage and support your children with their homework, but please do not do it for them. Homework is to be returned to school the following Wednesday. If your child has finished it before this day, they are encouraged to bring it in to school.

Spellings – There will be no formal tests for spelling - children will be learning rules and patterns in class during daily spelling lessons and investigations.

Times Tables – It is imperative that children regularly practise their times tables. As part of their homework, children will bring home weekly times tables. We will have a weekly Times Table quiz at the level of your child. School also subscribe to Times Table Rockstars - this is a wonderful tool and we encougage regular use of this. Please ask for log in details if you need them.

Water bottles - We encourage all children to bring in their own water bottle which they have access to throughout the day. Water bottles MUST be taken home each night and cleaned before returning to school. Children are permitted to have weakly diluted cordial if they prefer.


Important dates -

Please see the weekly newsletter for upcoming events.


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Conaghan and Mrs Seddon.


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North Walkden Primary School

Worsley, Manchester, Lancs, M28 3QD

General Enquiries - Mrs L Nolan - 0161 921 2921

SENDCo - Mrs J Thomas - 0161 9212921

0161 921 2921[email protected]