EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Welcome to North Walkden Primary School’s Early Years Foundation Stage. Starting school marks a new and exciting stage of life for both children and parents. Our website section is intended to inform you about our Foundation Stage and give you some information to help ensure your child settles happily into their new environment.
In our Foundation Stage, we strive to achieve the following aims:
- Create a safe, secure, stimulating learning environment which meets the individual needs and interests of all our children.
- Provide opportunities through play, which encourage children to develop emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically.
- Promote excellent standards of behaviour and interaction with other children and adults.
- Develop and maintain good partnerships with parents and carers.
- Continue to build upon what the child has already learned at home, broadening their range of learning experiences and stimulating their curiosity and imagination.
- Enable each child to develop as a happy, confident and independent learner with a well-developed sense of self-worth, responsibility and community.
Please take a look at our page and let us know if there is anything left unanswered. We welcome all feedback; if you think there is anything we could add to the EYFS section, we would love to know so we give families everything they need.
Miss Corr